1. Hey, i just got the game offline, but I was wondering. Does this game have 45 minute halves?

  2. @theopeningset ok cool cause i played the demo and noticed i played an entire game in like five minutes. wanted to make sure that that wasnt the official clock speed

  3. @yayazeigler

    The clock speed depends on the time you set your matches on.

  4. brilliant game from brilliant time.

    Very nice job! Keep up the great work! Thanks for posting!

    Have a great night, a great day tommorrow, a great night tommorrow, a great week, a great month, a Happy Advent, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! All the best in 2011 and beyond! Puerto Rican Love from New York City!

  5. Wow u must be stupid to think that he’s playing or ur blind coz in the description it says CPU vs CPU…. jeeze

  6. @dudedudeneo

    Wow. You suck at reading descriptions. LOL. Sorry ;p thanks for viewing and commenting anyways

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